Voice of God at Birmingham Film Festival Gala
🎙️🥳 My first official ‘Voice of God’ job at @bhamfilmfest 🥳🎙️🥳
🫶🎭🎬 What an incredible evening and thank you so much for trusting me with this job @bhamfilmfest
@birminghamfilmstudio 🫶🎭🎬
🥳🎬🎭 So lovely to get a nomination for short film with @mercianproductions too 🫶🎭🎬
🦌📸 To explain the Reindeer pic………I accidentally walked in on another lady flying him and she made me do it too so she didn’t feel silly……..turned out it was a wonderful idea to feel 7 years old again whilst entirely sober 👧🫶
#voiceofgod #voiceacting #acting #filmmaking #indiefilms #redcarpet #reindeerflying #oneyearsober