‘House’ and ‘Garden’ at The Crescent Theatre, Birmingham

Last night I saw ‘House’ written by Alan Ayckbourn at The Crescent Theatre, Birmingham. ‘House’ and ‘Garden’ are two plays, with two audiences, on two stages…… with one cast. When a character exits the stage in ‘House’ they then go downstairs to make an entrance in the ‘Garden’ playing space and vice versa…….BONKERS!!! 🤯 🤯🤯
Also….GENIUS 🤓 🎭 🤓
I won’t give spoilers but within minutes of starting to watch ‘House’ I was planning how I could reschedule my week to watch ‘Garden’ so I could see it all slot together, that being said they can be stand alone pieces……I just get FOMO 😂😂😂
My talented pal Steph Urquhart has done an awesome job of co directing ‘House’ and my other talented pal Kaz Luckins has also done an awesome job of choreographing fight scenes in both plays 🥊 🥊 🥊 So you know where they are if you need a director or fight choreographer 👆👆👆
Also…….here’s the link 👇👇👇to share the joy of watching these chaotic comedies, they can be enjoyed individually even if you can’t spare two nights to do both and don’t suffer FOMO like myself  🤣🤣🤣

Event Details