Happy New Year 2024 with lots of Drama!!!

Firstly……. let me say thank you for reading this, i’m very grateful for all the support I received from everyone in 2023 and really looking forward to 2024 – you are all wonderful πŸ™ŒΒ  πŸ™ŒΒ  πŸ™Œ

Secondly, let me say a huge congratulations to the force that is Rachel Feeny-Williams! 🀩🀩🀩

She is the brain behind “Theatrical Shenanigans” and goodness, did she work her socks off in 2023?!!! When I say brain, that includes being a playwright, the producer, presenter, casting director, audio technician and social media manager of “Theatrical Shenanigans” (insert a bunch of other jobs i’ve definitely missed here.)

Theatrical Shenanigans 2023 ingredients were: *21 Playwrights *21 Guests * 55 Performers * 24 Panellists

Creating: 34 PLAYS!!! 🎭 🎭 🎭
Thank you so very much to all of you listeners out there and if you haven’t heard the awesomeness, then what are your ears waiting for?Β  πŸ‘‚ πŸ€” 🀣
Press this to catch up πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
I had the pleasure of being in play 3, 6 & 13 in the 1 year anniversary special released on New Years day you can listen to now by pressingΒ  πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡
I’m “Cate” in “Rest Ye Merry” by John David Brown, “Whitney” in “Boogeyman” by Dana Hall and “Jessie” in “A Love Letter to Stu Macher” by Cole Hunter Dzubak. What a pleasure and delight to be in one…..let alone three!!
Congratulations again to Rachel and Theatrical Shenanigans having an awesome first birthday party πŸŽ‚ and Happy New Year to all you lovely pals reading/listening/watching who are the reason we love creating and continuing the drama 🎭 πŸ₯Š πŸ™Œ