Voice of God at Birmingham Film Festival Gala

🎙️🥳 My first official ‘Voice of God’ job at @bhamfilmfest 🥳🎙️🥳 🫶🎭🎬 What an incredible evening and thank you so much for trusting me with this job @bhamfilmfest @birminghamfilmstudio 🫶🎭🎬 🥳🎬🎭 So lovely to get a nomination for short film with @mercianproductions too 🫶🎭🎬 🦌📸 To explain the Reindeer pic………I accidentally walked in on another lady flying him and she…

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14/48 at The Y!!

14/48 at The Y

Excited to say i’m going to be part of the 14/48 festival at The Y in Leicester! Performances are on Friday 6th and Saturday 7th May at 8pm and 10.30pm and you can buy tickets by pressing ME!!!! Here is a cheeky trailer to whet your appetite!      

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Going Green

Photo of Perdita Lawton

Tonight i’m performing with Opus Theatre Company in “Going Green” written by David Tristram. The story centres on Green party politician John Brown (Alan Birch). Brown is a man with a vision and charisma who- having been hit by an illness, decides to quit politics for good but not before giving a blistering farewell speech at the annual conference.…

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Three In A Bed

I’m in the cast of this play tonight, please feel free to come along and give us feedback about the script, plot, characters, my gurning etc 

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